Monday, 3 November 2008

Sad Kop Fans and Atatürk Banner

Çok fazla sıçramıştı zaten çekirge. Sonunda mağlup oldu. Bu maça yazmayınca tepki aldık. Özetlerden izlediğim kadarıyla Liverpool çok iyi başladığı maçı koparamamanın cezasını çekmiş. Ramos'un takımını Redknapp hizaya soktu, biraz silkelendiler ve 3 maçtır fena gitmiyorlar. Zor maçları çevirmeyi bildiler. Son yılların en kötü Arsenal'ini zorlamak iyi bir deneyimdi. Lider Liverpool'u yenmek ise başarı. Kuyt'ın muhteşem golü ve 2 direkten dönen top sonrası maçı kazandıklarını söyleseler inanmazdım. Kadrosu en az L'pool kadar güçlü ve zengin bir takımın nedense maçlarda en fazla gördüğümüz oyuncusu Gomes idi. Artık değişiyor. Rafa'nın ise bunu telafi edecek çok maçı var, takım iyi oynuyor. Torres dönünce daha da tehlikeli olacaklar.

Liverpool'un sitesinde gezerken gördüğüm ilginç bir haber. Paylaşmak lazım.

"One of my favourite items in the museum is one of the many banners that were on show at the 2005 Champions League final in Istanbul.

"That's mainly because it has some personal resonance with me.

"We all know what an incredible experience it was going all that way to Istanbul and the highs and lows of that extraordinary game.

"It was on that special night in Turkey that I stumbled across this banner for the very first time.

"I was coming out of the ground following the match with a group of friends and one of them said: 'Come on Stephen, lead us, lead us to the coach, lead us to the promised land'.

"I said 'I think it's over there by that hill', and he said: 'It looks like the Golan Heights'.

"So I got this Biblical image in my head and started singing 'Exodus' by Bob Marley.

"It caught on and we continued to sing as we marched amongst a sea of red shirts towards this giant hill.

"Suddenly there was break in the flow of bodies in front of us and we came across a banner with these two lads sitting next to it.


"We stopped in our tracks and read it out loud: 'Moses said come forth Rafa said no we will win the cup instead'.

"So I rushed over and gave them my card. I said: 'Please, please, please... I have to have it in the museum'.

"Fortunately enough they were more than happy to give it to us.

"It just says it all about the whole journey and experience of Istanbul.

"Personally I'm so thrilled that the two lads have let us display it here. It's utterly inspired and just shows what this club is all about and the great tradition of banner making that Liverpool has.

"It's a worthy successor to the famous Joey Jones one and I know a lot of people have taken great pleasure from it."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

güzelmiş, futbol bele güzel...